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Annalisa Premoli, Illustrator and Graphic Designer.

Selected Books:

  • Daddy Fixes Everything, by Ronen Divon, unpublished (London - New York 2008). Children book illustration.
  • Rancilio's Machines, History of the Rancilio company and its coffee machines, by Isabella Amaduzzi and Luca Rancilio (Milan 2003).  Technical drawings.
  • Curiosando nel tempo e nello spazio, Activity book for schools, by Raymond Lorenzo for Milano Council, ed. Scheiwiller, (Milan 2002). Children book Illustration.
Il mondo del libro, interactive exhibition for schools on the experience of reading, curated by Fondazione Arnoldo e Alberto Mondadori and ABCittà società cooperativa onlus (Milan - 2005). Illustrations for the exhibition.
Bulli e Bulle, ne' vittime ne' prepotenti, interactive exhibition for schools on the theme of the bullysim, curated by ABCittà società cooperativa onlus (Milan- 2001). Illustrations for the exhibition.
Other works include posters and information material on children's related events realized for Milan Council (Milan - 2001/2008).
Medaglia Conca di Leonardo, Associazione Amici dei Navigli: award for a project of a new sign system along the canal Martesana (Milano - 2008).
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